CPT264: Systems and Procedures

Welcome to CPT264: Systems and Procedures. This course is designed to teach our students business analysis and design. This is also a critical thinking and team building course. Students in CPT264 will divide up in to teams that will be tasked to solve a business problem scenario by working together over the semester. The teams will meet several times with the instructor during the semester who will role play as the team’s client. At the end of the course each team will present their proposed solution.

CPT264 is administered on Blackboard. Students in CPT264 are expected to log in daily during the semester to keep up with the course content.

Student teams will also meet weekly to discuss strategy and team member assignment.

Here are some helpful CPT264 links:

Course Schedule (POI – Plan of Instruction)

CPT264 File Downloads (Requires shared class username/password)


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