Practice Linux with PuTTY

You can use your instructor’s server to practice your linux commands, without having linux installed on your computer. I setup a user account for this class with the following credentials:


Username: ist190student

Password: first&ten

Install the terminal program putty.exe on your Windows desktop:

Click this link to download and install putty.exe

Once you have putty.exe installed on your Windows computer, use port 22 to connect to the sshd server on linux1. You will NOT be able to use any root/administrative commands, but you will be able use any commands that a standard user can.

Please remember that the ist190student user account is purged every two hours. If you are logged in when the purge script runs, you will be kicked out and you will have to log back in. Any files saved to this account will be deleted each time the ist190 student account is purged.

Let me know if you have any questions at

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