Welcome to IST203: Advanced Cisco Router Configuration

Catalog Course Description: This course is a study of configuring Cisco Routers.

Purpose of the Course: This course provides the student with the knowledge and skills necessary to perform advanced Cisco router configuration and basic Cisco switch configuration.

The student support materials for IST203 are located here or on Blackboard. All of your IST203 Tests and Written Final Exam will be taken on Cisco Networking Academy. All Journal Entries and other assignments will be uploaded to Blackboard.

This web site is intended for the exclusive use of students in this class. The purpose of this site is to provide copies of study materials and other resources that will help in the successful completion of this course. Students are encouraged to visit this site regularly and take advantage of these resources.

Many documents on this web site are in Portable Document Format (.pdf) and require Adobe Acrobat Reader to view and print. If you cannot open .pdf files on your computer, click this link in install the FREE version of Adobe Acrobat Reader on your computer.


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IST202: Cisco Router Configuration (CCNA 2)

Catalog Course Description: This course is a study of LANs, WANs, OSI models, Ethernet, token ring, fiber distributed data interface, TCP/IP addressing protocol, dynamic routing, and the network administrator’s role and function.

Purpose of the Course: This course provides the knowledge and concepts required to understand how to design and build networks and configure Cisco routers.

The student support materials for IST202 are located here or on Blackboard. All of your IST202 Tests and Written Final Exam will be taken on Cisco Networking Academy. All Journal Entries and other assignments will be uploaded to Blackboard.

  • Create a user account for the Forum and participate in the topics that interest you with other students, past and present, in our various classes. You can participate in any of the many discussion topics, even those for other classes.
  • Easily find the current Class Calendar by clicking the button in the menu bar on the left.
  • Current IST202 Lecture Slides and Lecture Handouts will be posted here; they are also available on the Student Drive (S: Drive) in the Open Labs at school in the “BSanders” folder.
  • Browse through the hundreds of informative Web site links that have been collected especially for our students by clicking the Links Directory in the Resources menu. Please add any of your favorite links that you feel other students can benefit from.
  • If you need to lookup a computer term, try Geek Glossary. Thousands of computer terms from our courses are defined in a user friendly database, a big help when studying class material.
  • Add your e-mail address to our mailing lists by clicking on the Subscribe in the Main Menu.

This web site is intended for the exclusive use of students in this class. The purpose of this site is to provide copies of study materials and other resources that will help in the successful completion of this course. Students are encouraged to visit this site regularly and take advantage of these resources.

Many documents on this web site are in Portable Document Format (.pdf) and require Adobe Acrobat Reader to view and print. If you cannot open .pdf files on your computer, click this link in install the FREE version of Adobe Acrobat Reader on your computer.

IST202: Cisco Router Configuration (CCNA 2) Read More »

IST201: Cisco Internetworking Concepts (CCNA 1)

Catalog Course Description: This course is a study of current and emerging computer networking technology. Topics covered include safety, networking, network terminology and protocols, network standards, LANs, WANs, OSI Model, cabling, cabling tools, Cisco routers, router programming, star topology, IP addressing, and network standards.

Purpose of the Course: This course provides the knowledge and concepts required to understand how local and wide area networks communicate and what components are necessary in these environments.

The student support materials for IST201 are located here or on Blackboard. All of your IST201 Tests and Written Final Exam will be taken on Cisco Networking Academy. All Journal Entries and other assignments will be uploaded to Blackboard.

  • Create a user account for the Forum and participate in the topics that interest you with other students, past and present, in our various classes. You can participate in any of the many discussion topics, even those for other classes.
  • Easily find the current Class Calendar by clicking the button in the menu bar on the left.
  • Current IST201 Lecture Slides and Lecture Handouts will be posted here; they are also available on the Student Drive (S: Drive) in the Open Labs at school in the “BSanders” folder.
  • Browse through the hundreds of informative Web site links that have been collected especially for our students by clicking the Links Directory in the Resources menu. Please add any of your favorite links that you feel other students can benefit from.
  • If you need to lookup a computer term, try Geek Glossary. Thousands of computer terms from our courses are defined in a user friendly database, a big help when studying class material.
  • Add your e-mail address to our mailing lists by clicking on the Subscribe in the Main Menu.

This web site is intended for the exclusive use of students in this class. The purpose of this site is to provide copies of study materials and other resources that will help in the successful completion of this course. Students are encouraged to visit this site regularly and take advantage of these resources.

Many documents on this web site are in Portable Document Format (.pdf) and require Adobe Acrobat Reader to view and print. If you cannot open .pdf files on your computer, click this link in install the FREE version of Adobe Acrobat Reader on your computer.

IST201: Cisco Internetworking Concepts (CCNA 1) Read More »

Next Transcender Practice Test Order

We are planning on conducting the next Transcender order in the near future, depending on product availability and interest of students.

If you would like to be notified by e-mail when we conduct our next project, just enter your e-mail address below to subscribe to our special mailing list for this project. We will let you know by e-mail when the next project will be available.

For notification by email of our next Practice Test Order Project, click here and subscribe to our mailing list.

For more information about Transcender products, visit Transcender.com by clicking this link.

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How To Make a Business Presentation

10 Bad Presentation Techniques and Their Remedies
Welcome to Bad Presentation Techniques 101. We have all sat through one — the bad presentation. Are there really any bad presentation techniques or just bad presenters, such as… the reader, the unprepared, the mumbler, and the ever popular animation wizard…Have you ever experienced any of these scenarios while sitting through a presentation?
12 Tips for Delivering a Knockout Business Presentation
The first step is completed. Your wonderful presentation is created and ready for prime time. Now is your chance to shine when you deliver it to an audience. Here are tips to make this presentation a successful venture.
How To Make Effective Presentations and What Makes an Audience Listen
A great tutorial on how to make good business presentations; please excuse all the ads.
How to Make a Good Presentation
A good, basic list on how to effectively use PowerPoint in a business presentation.
How to Make Good Presentations
Oral Presentation Guidelines Published at the Vancouver Congress, 2005.
Some Rules for Making a Presentation
A great bullet list of ideas on how to make a good business presentation using PowerPoint.

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How To Write Research Papers

A Research Guide for Students (AResearchGuide.com)  
The goal of this site is to provide all the necessary tools for students to conduct research and to present their findings. The site also provides guidelines on: How to write an A+ research paper, How to effectively deliver a presentation, How to format a research or term paper, How to quote passages, How not to plagiarize, How to write Footnotes and Endnotes with examples on writing First Footnotes and Endnotes in MLA Style plus a Footnotes Sample Page and an Endnotes Sample Page.
Research Papers, Citation and Reference Formats (Gallaudet.edu)  
Most students will have to write at least one research paper in their educational journey. This site has compiled some information that will help to make this process as painless as possible. When you write a research paper, you will have to borrow information from other people in order to prove your points. Any time you borrow information from another source, you must show in your paper where you found the information. This is called “citing” or “referencing.” If you do not cite your source, it is called “plagiarism.” It is illegal to plagiarize someone else’s work or ideas. There are several different formats for citing sources in a research paper. You should check with your professor to find out which format he/she prefers. This site has compiled some basic guides to understanding different citation and reference systems: APA, MLA, Chicago (Turabian), ASA, I-Search, and CBE. 
How to Write a Research Paper (Infoplease.com)
Research papers are generally longer pieces of written work than essays. Writing a research paper involves all of the steps for writing an essay plus some additional ones. To write a research paper you must first do some research, that is, investigate your topic by reading about it in many different sources, including books, magazines, newspapers, and the Internet. In some cases you may also conduct interviews. The information you gather from these sources is then used to support the points you make in your paper. Writing a research paper also involves documenting your sources of information in footnotes or endnotes. This way the reader knows where you got your information and can judge whether it is reliable. This site providfes the steps to follow when writing a research paper.
How to Write a Research Paper (SocialStudiesHelp.com)
Writing a research paper is an important skill you need to learn. In order to do a paper properly you need to keep a few things in mind which will be outlined below. The most important thing is to be complete, be consistent and be thorough. Remember, the process is the important part. This Web site is an excellent guide to the correct way to write a research paper, including sample citations, more links to resources, and hints for success.
Sample Research Papers in MLA, APA, and Chicago Formats (Hacker Handbook Resources)
Great sample research papers that show you how the parts fit together. This site is an excellent stop on the Internet while you are teaching yourself how to write research projects.
Write Source: MLA Style
The Modern Language Association (MLA) is involved with the study and teaching of language and literature. MLA documentation style is used in many research papers, especially in middle and high schools. This page will help you correctly list your electronic sources in MLA style.
How to Write a Research Paper (eHow.com)
Writing a good research paper is a tough challenge, but breaking it down into smaller pieces helps a lot. This Web site breaks down writing a research paper into twelve steps and includes several tips and warnings. This site is basic and does not go into the detail that other sites listed on this page go into.
Links on “How to Write a Research Paper” from EducationIndex.net
This page is another list of helpful links to sites on writing a research paper. Some of these links are duplicated.

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How To Learn the Vim Editor

The Vim is a text editor originally developed for UNIX programmers. It is a modal editor, meaning it operates in four different modes which are command mode (default), edit mode (insert and replace), visual mode, and extended command mode. Based on the vi Editor, Vim has been around for decades and is used daily by thousands of Linux and UNIX administrators, which is why it is a right of passage tradition that new Linux and UNIX users learn this tool.

vi Editor Quick Reference Chart (.pdf)
Handy chart of common vi commands; distributed in Unix classes 
vi Editor Quick Reference Chart (.xls)
Excel version of the above chart
vi Reference Card (.pdf)
Written by Donald J. Binder, this is another one page reference sheet on the vi editor; this card provides descriptions of various commands and keystrokes
vim Quick Reference Card (.pdf)
A two page keystroke reference card; written in 2003 by Laurent Grégorie
An Introduction to Display Editing with vi (.pdf)
Written by William joy and Mark Horton of the University of California, Berkley Computer Science Faculty, this in-depth 39 page tutorial on the vi editor reviews the majority of the features in vi
Mastering the vi Editor (.pdf)
This is a 17 page tutorial on the vi editor; provided by the University of Hawaii at Manoa College of Engineering
Introduction to the vi Editor (.pdf)
Rice University’s 29 page tutorial that covers all of the basic usage of the vi editor; also comes with a reference card of vi commands
WINvi v2.94 (.zip)
Freeware version of the vi editor for Microsoft Windows
vi Links:
vim.org – Official Website for the vi Editor
The vi Lovers Home Page
vi Text Editor: Tutorial
An Extremely Quick and Simple Introduction to the vi Editor

If you would like to submit any comments or additions for consideration to this page, please e-mail beau@beausanders.org

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Textbooks for IST191

IST191 is designed to use two sources of course content.

Red Hat Academy RH134-9 (RHEL9 Version) which is much like the content we used during recent semesters in IST190 as far as format is concerned. Students will have access to the Red Hat Academy course content in Week #1 of the class.

Once we have completed the RHA content, we will use “RHCSA/RHCE Red Hat Linux Certification Study Guide, Seventh Edition” by Michael Jang and Alexandro Orsaria to study network applications and services for the remainder of of the course. Here is information on Mr. Jang’s textbook:

  • Paperback: 1072 pages
  • Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education; 7 edition (April 8, 2016)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0071841962
  • ISBN-13: 978-0071841962
  • Product Dimensions: 7.4 x 1.9 x 9.1 inches

Textbooks for IST191 Read More »

Recommended Linux Resource Books

RHCSA/RHCE® Red Hat® Linux® Certification Study Guide, Seventh Edition (Exams EX200 & EX300) by Michael Jang and Alessandro Orsaria
We have used Michael Jang’s books for previous versions of our Linux courses. It is a very affordable text. This is a great book that walks you through the starting stages of learning Linux through getting certified RHCE. It may be advanced for some readers, but I recommend you consider it for your professional library.

A Practical Guide to Fedora and Red Hat® Enterprise Linux®, Seventh Edition by Mark G. Sobell
This is the textbook we used for IST190 in the 2016 spring semester. It is very thorough. It is an excellent reference book to use while learning Linux.

Linux Pocket Guide by Daniel J. Barrett
This book only costs about $9.95 new. I just bought a used version for $3.50. It provides an indexed list and explanation of most of the Linux commands we will be using in IST190. Many IST190 students have bought this little book in years past.

Red Hat Linux Networking and System Administration by Terry Collins and Kurt Wall
This book is a little old but it includes a ton of valid information about Red Hat Enterprise Linux. I used this book when I was learning RHEL.

Linux Command Line and Shell Scripting by Richard Blum
I like the “Linux Bible” series of books, but I do not have the current version for Red Hat. New “bibles” come our every year so it is kind of hard to keep up.

If you find a Linux resource book you like, please share it with our class.

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Course Sites Description

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