CompTIA Exam Vouchers for Greenville Technical College Students

The CPT Department at Greenville Technical College is a member of the CompTIA Academy. One of the many benefits of this academy membership is providing CPT Department students academic voucher discounts to take CompTIA Certificataion Exams.

The procedure is easy:

  1. Visit the CompTIA Academic Marketplace at
  2. Create an account using your email address; this is required to get the discounts
  3. You may purchase any of the CompTIA exam vouchers, CertMaster Product, and a variety of study materials simply by using your email address
  4. Students may purchase a maximum of 3 vouchers on the academic marketplace every 6 months

If you have any questions, send it in an email to


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Directions to Office 103-223D

Beau Sanders
Professor in the Computer Technology Department
Greenville Technical College
Office 103-223D
Main Campus – Engineering Technology Building

Office Phone: 864-250-8314
Mobile Phone: 864-325-7240

Directions to Office 103-223D

Office 103-223D is located on Greenville Tech’s Main Barton Campus at 620 South Pleasantburg Drive in the Engineering Technologies Building (103). Office 103-223D is on the second floor of the building. Enter the Barton Main Campus on East Faris Road and park is one of the back parking lots reserved for Students. Enter the Engineering Building (103) through the back door. Go down the hallway and take the stairs up to the second floor. There is also an elevator if needed. Turn left at the top of the stairs. My office is all the way down the hall, through the door to Suite 223, and through the little conference room. Look for 223D by my office door.

Click this link for my Office Hours and Class Schedule:

Click this link for a parking map for our Barton Main Campus:

To have a copy of these directions emailed to you, send an email to and enter “Directions” in the Subject.

Map to Greenville Technical College Engineering Building (103) on the Main Barton Campus:

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Practice Linux with PuTTY

You can use your instructor’s server to practice your linux commands, without having linux installed on your computer. I setup a user account for this class with the following credentials:


Username: ist190student

Password: first&ten

Install the terminal program putty.exe on your Windows desktop:

Click this link to download and install putty.exe

Once you have putty.exe installed on your Windows computer, use port 22 to connect to the sshd server on linux1. You will NOT be able to use any root/administrative commands, but you will be able use any commands that a standard user can.

Please remember that the ist190student user account is purged every two hours. If you are logged in when the purge script runs, you will be kicked out and you will have to log back in. Any files saved to this account will be deleted each time the ist190 student account is purged.

Let me know if you have any questions at

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How To Schedule an Advising Meeting

As your Faculty Academic Advisor, I would like to meet with you and discuss your plans for scheduling classes as you attend Greenville Tech. I would like to help you choose the best class schedule that fits your requirements and accomplishes your academic goals. We can discuss future changes in our program and talk about how you can maximize your education experience in the Computer Technology Department.

If you would like to meet during my Office Hours (yellow), please check my schedule which is posted online

Please click on the button below and complete the short Advising Information Form prior to scheduling an appointment to meet with me. I will contact you once I receive your Advising Information Form. The information collected on this form will help us plan your program of study in the CPT Department. Thanks.

Advising Information Form

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