Resource Links: Software : Open Source
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  • Caldera - A Linux distributor. (Added: 23-Oct-2002 Hits: 459)
  • - Welcome to DistroWatch! This site is an attempt to provide a basic feature list and a package comparison table of major, minor and regional Linux distributions. It is updated daily with news from the Linux distribution world. You are welcome to submit new distributions, just please be aware that because of time constraints and other priorities, certain categories, such as embedded, small, floppy-based and Windows-based distributions are currently excluded. I have tried my best to make sure that the information provided here is correct, however, if you do find any errors, please let me know and I will correct them promptly. Suggestions are also welcome. Enjoy your stay and come back again! (Added: 23-Jan-2004 Hits: 483)
  • - The official site for the GNOME Linux desktop environment. (Added: 23-Oct-2002 Hits: 562)
  • GNU's Not Unix! - The GNU Project was launched in 1984 to develop a complete Unix-like operating system which is free software: the GNU system. (GNU is a recursive acronym for "GNU's Not Unix"; it is pronounced "guh-NEW".) Variants of the GNU operating system, which use the kernel Linux, are now widely used; though these systems are often referred to as Linux, they are more accurately called GNU/Linux systems. (Added: 23-Oct-2002 Hits: 519)
  • - The "Everything KDE" official Web site. (Added: 23-Oct-2002 Hits: 501)
  • Linux Mobile System - LMS is a full Linux system within a USB Flash Memory Drive. This system will be able to boot from any i386 based PC, so we can to run a lot of utilities: network diagnostic, disk diagnostic, etc. (Added: 24-Nov-2003 Hits: 415)
  • Red Hat Linux - Linux Operating System Distributor (Added: 27-Jul-2002 Hits: 445)
  • SuSE - A Linux distributor. (Added: 23-Oct-2002 Hits: 408)
  • WebMin - A great GUI for configuring your first Linux box. Helps you set up Samba, Squid, Iptables, Sendmail, Apache, etc. A great browser-based tool.. (Added: 27-Feb-2004 Hits: 391)
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