Resource Links: Linux
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  • CentOS Linux - Major Linux distribution provided by Red Hat (Added: 16-Mar-2021 Hits: 188)
  • Debian GNU/Linux - Debian is a free operating system (OS) for your computer. Debian uses the Linux kernel, but most of the basic OS tools come from the GNU project; hence the name GNU/Linux. Debian GNU/Linux provides more than a pure OS: it comes with more than 8710 packages, precompiled software bundled up in a nice format for easy installation on your machine. (Added: 23-Oct-2002 Hits: 467)
  • Just Linux - This is a good site for Linux support.. I've been there many times, and it is the secret to my linux knowledge. (Added: 10-Aug-2003 Hits: 608)
  • Kali Linux - The Most Advanced Penetration Testing Distribution. Kali Linux is an open-source, Debian-based Linux distribution geared towards various information security tasks, such as Penetration Testing, Security Research, Computer Forensics and Reverse Engineering. (Added: 23-Mar-2021 Hits: 193)
  • Linux Online - Information site for Linux (Added: 1-Aug-2002 Hits: 477)
  • Linux Today - A site with a bunch of articles dealing with Linux. Good for CPT 247 reports. (Added: 10-Aug-2003 Hits: 826)
  • Linux Weekly News - A collection of news items related to Linux and other free software. (Added: 23-Oct-2002 Hits: 451)
  • - here's a good site to ask your linux related questions. (Added: 22-Sep-2003 Hits: 353)
  • Mint Linux - The purpose of Linux Mint is to produce a modern, elegant and comfortable operating system which is both powerful and easy to use. Linux Mint is one of the most popular desktop Linux distributions and used by millions of people. (Added: 22-Mar-2021 Hits: 185)

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