- TechRepublic - Excellent site for IT technical information
(Added: 27-Jul-2002 Hits: 528)
- Tek Tips - This is a real handy BB containing any topic on computers you can think of. It has really helped me come up with answers to issues I've had with hardware, software, servers etc. Check it out.
(Added: 30-Aug-2002 Hits: 521)
- The Computer Technology Documentation Project - This site contains computer documentation and information in various technical areas including markup and web languages, operating systems, hardware, programming, and networking. This documentation is suited for beginners to experts. There are various tips, editorials, and weblinks in several categories.
(Added: 6-Dec-2008 Hits: 286)
- The Verge - Great IT news portal
(Added: 23-Mar-2021 Hits: 162)
- - Helpful site for UNIX users
(Added: 27-Feb-2004 Hits: 438)
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