- Basic HTML: Introduction - This is Primer #1 in a series of seven that will calmly introduce you to the very basics of HyperText Mark-up Language. Take the Primers one at a time over seven days. By the end of the week, you'll easily know enough to create your own HTML home page.
(Added: 20-Feb-2023 Hits: 1604)
- CSS Tutorial - Save a lot of work with CSS! In our CSS tutorial you will learn how to use CSS to control the style and layout of multiple Web pages all at once.
(Added: 20-Feb-2023 Hits: 534)
- Getting Started with HTML - This page will teach you how to: - start with a title - add headings and paragraphs - add emphasis to your text - add images - add links to other pages - use various kinds of lists
(Added: 20-Feb-2023 Hits: 493)
- Getting started with HTML: More advanced features - Having mastered the basics, it is time to move on to more advanced features. The following will teach you how to: - force line breaks - introduce non-breaking spaces - use entities for special characters - link into the middle of pages - use preformatted text - flow text around images - define clickable regions within images - create tables - use roll-overs and other tricks - enable users to listen to sound files
(Added: 20-Feb-2023 Hits: 578)
- How to write a web page in HTML - Web pages are text files, written with a text editor such as SimpleText (Mac), Notepad (Windows) or vi (Unix). The formatting of the page is described with HTML (HyperText Mark-up Language) tags. A web browser (Netscape or Internet Explorer) uses the tags to format the text on the page for display.
(Added: 20-Feb-2023 Hits: 814)
- How to Write an HTML Page: 7 steps - HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is a basic language for developing web-pages. It was created to be an easy and flexible coding language. Most every page on the Internet was developed with some form of this coding (ColdFusion, XML, XSLT). With the basic introduction of this article you can build on your knowledge with any other wiki on this site. Please also search for articles outside of this site to keep up-to-date.
(Added: 20-Feb-2023 Hits: 872)
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